Friday, July 24, 2009

Life with a 4 month old and adjusting to my new store

So obviously my personal goal of posting more often is not achievable! :) I feel like there aren't even enough hours in the day for me to hardly see my family let alone post blogs, clean my house, do laundry or get my car it's oil change (it's at least 4 months past due!). A typical week day for us is....We get up around 7am, Ryan, Carter and I get ready, we eat breakfast, take the dogs out and feed the dogs. We are out the door by 8am, one of us drops Carter off at daycare. We both work until about 5-5:30pm and whoever gets off firsts picks up little man. We get home around 6pm, take the dogs out, make dinner, get everything ready for the next morning (wash bottles and get clothes set out), start bath time for Carter, feed him and put him to bed by 8:30-9pm. Then we get ready for bed and it's usually lights out by 10pm (I know...we are lame!). So yeah...anyway....

Carter is 16 weeks old! Or should I say Bubby? Somehow everyone seems to have adopted the nickname Bubby, which Ryan came up with. It has stuck with him pretty well. Sometimes we will call him Bubby, Bubbalicious or Bub-a-bub. We have a check up scheduled for him along with more vaccinations in about a week. He is feeling much better these days. Last week Carter, Ryan and myself were sick. It was a nasty sore throat with lots of congestion. Carter ended up getting an ear infection and is on antibiotics now. Poor little man.

He has learned a few new tricks. He is learning to roll over, but his arm gets stuck under him so he doesn't quite roll over all the way. Today we reached a milestone, he is wearing a 6-9 months outfit. The shorts are a little big, but the shirt fits perfectly. I also noticed today that he is starting to grab his feet and holds on to them while thrusting his legs up. Silly Goose.

I am slowly adjusting to my new store and new team members. I had a surprise audit yesterday with my bosses boss and district auditor. The store actually did pretty well, just have to "tighten" some things up. After they were finished they pulled me aside to tell me that the team members have nothing but good things to say about me and that they are really happy with the transition so far. YAY!! That makes me very happy! :) Here is a picture of my office, I took it with my iPhone so it's not the best. It's a good sized office, but very plain. I am thinking of ordering a "motivational" picture or two to spice things up.

Well I guess I should stop abusing my "privileges" and get back to work....

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