Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's a.....BOY!

We are very excited to announce we will have another baby BOY join our family in October! Hurray for team blue! We had our 20 week appointment and anatomy ultrasound. They look at the baby's heart, head, facial features and all kinds of other stuff to make sure he is growing properly. He was measuring 11 oz. which is perfect. Everything looked great and I am doing well. I actually haven't gained any weight, which I am not sure how that's possibly with the amount of chocolate bars and milk shakes I have been consuming, but from here on out I should gain about a pound a week. When I was pregnant with Carter I gained about 33 lbs. total so I have a ways to go!

In other news, we are getting settled into out new home very nicely. We are ALMOST completely unpacked! Woo hoo! We also have the yard looking half way decent and...drum roll please....we got our garden going!! Yes! I am so excited to watch my little tiny plants grow. We planted herbs, peppers, tomatoes (thank you Chris for the tomato plants!), squash, onion, cantaloupe and strawberries. I am a little concerned about the strawberry plants getting eaten by birds and squirrels, but we'll see how it goes. I saw one squirrel checking out the garden the other day...I just know he's going to be trouble!

One last thing I must add....Happy 2nd Birthday Aston Poop! His birthday was Sunday. :) He still is cute, but was such a cute puppy.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happy Dance!

Happy dance *singing and dancing* la la la!

WE CLOSED ON OUR HOUSE!!!! Woo hoo!! I am so excited I just had to share with someone! Finally a house to call our own! This is a huge milestone for us. I always thought we would have a house before growing our family, but it didn't work out that way. The down payment is what has always held us back. We were looking at buying a house when we found out we were pregnant with Carter, but the timing and money just wasn't right. Since the government extended the new home buyers tax credit last year we knew we had to take advantage! It seems as though buying a house is a lot harder than you think. There is so much that goes into it. First you have to find the *perfect* house, then comes the long, stressed out, agony filled 30 day closing. Lock in an interest rate, get the inspection, get the seller to fix up the little (or big) issues, get the appraisal....it's hell. But now that's it all behind us it was so worth it!

Our new home has 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. The kitchen and all bathrooms are remodeled. New appliances, including washer and dryer make it that much more perfect. It has a nice sized backyard, not too big and not too small. The dogs are going to love it! It is near Quincy Reservoir and in Cherry Creek School District. I am not sure if we will be in this house by the time that Carter starts school, but it's nice to know that he would be in Cherry Creek Schools if we are.

Here's a picture of our beauty....many, many more pictures to come!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


So this past weekend I made pancakes. The 1 question I must ask is, why is it so hard for me to make pancakes?! It frustrates me to no end! I can never get them to come out in nice little circles and I can never get them to cook properly. They either come out burned on the outside and not cook completely on the inside or cooked on the inside and barley on the outside. I think a griddle might help out my dilemma....but seriously it can't be that hard! Can it?

In other randomness, on Friday I had a customer ask for the first time if I was expecting. Oh man could that have gone really wrong for the lady who asked me. Sometimes the sarcastic side of me wants to come out in those situations and say "No, I am not expecting." Just so I can see her reaction. But of course I did not say that. She had a million questions for me. "Is it your first?" "How old is your other child?" "Is it a boy or girl?" "When are you due?" "Will your 1 year old be out of diapers when this one arrives?" GEE! I felt like I was being interrogated! When I was pregnant with Carter I got a lot of questions, but not nearly this many. I guess people are just really curious. Now that I am wearing maternity shirts I am sure I'll get a lot of questions.