Monday, July 6, 2009

3 months old, back to work and adjusting to a new schedule....

Little man is 3 months old now!  Holly cow! A lot has happened in the past few weeks.  I sadly went back to work on June 30th.  Wow is it weird, but good at the same time.  I am not very good at adjusting to things so going back to work to a new store, new position, new people, and leaving my baby has proven to be a little difficult.....ok A LOT difficult!  I am trying to act and be my normal self, but it has been a challenge.  I just keep telling myself that I am doing it for Carter and that makes it worth every minute I have to be away from him.  So now I am a working Mom.  In all actuality though....being back has been good.  I am sure I will have many more challenges in my new position, but I can't complain about the pay increase that comes along with it.  That in itself will help us out a lot.

Carter is getting so big....I know I say that all the time, but seriously I can't believe how fast he grows!  He is in 6 month clothes now because he is so long. He weighs close to 15-16 lbs. He smiles ALL the time and the other day had his first REAL laugh!  It was so cute!  Of course we couldn't catch it on video.  He is also discovering his legs and feet, he sucks on his hands like crazy and occasionally positions one of his fingers or thumbs to be sucked on.  It's pretty cute! He hasn't rolled over YET, but is getting very close. He loves sitting up, but still needs a good amount of support or he will fall over.  I know I am getting very excited for Carter to start trying out real food.  He is only a couple months away from it.  I love all kinds of food and just can't wait for him to be able to test them all out and discover all kinds of new tastes.  :)

The dogs are feeling slightly neglected these days.  It is hard to get out of the house with Carter and 2 dogs with 90 degree weather.  The dogs don't care about it being so hot, but Carter does.  So we have spent a lot of time inside. Plus the mosquitos have been absolutely horrible this year!  Every time I go outside I get bitten at least 3 times!  Ah!  I hate them!  I know it will get easier once Carter gets a older too.

Ryan is doing well, but is still having some neck muscle issues.  He is going to physical therapy for it and we are hoping for a good recovery soon.  It may take a little bit more time though  :( .

That's about it for now....I will update again soon.  I have made it a personal goal to update the blog more often.  It seems like I only get around to it once a month! 

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