So much has happened that I don't even know where to start. Carter is almost 10 months old. His last check up went really well. He weighs about 22.5 lbs and is about 30" tall! It's crazy to think that in a couple months he will be turning 1. At his check up they also noticed he has ANOTHER ear infection. So the pediatrician recommended an ENT specialist to us. We had an appointment yesterday and the ENT wants Carter to get tubes put in his ear to drain fluid and pressure. This will help decrease the amount of fluid that accumulates in his ears and cause less ear infections to develop. Both Ryan and I agree that he needs the procedure and he is scheduled to have it in about a week. The fluid in his ears is also causing some hearing loss and in the long run could cause speech development issues if not taken care of. We are relieved that this will help Carter and relieve him of the pain of ear infections. Other than that, he is crawling ALL OVER the house. He loves the door stoppers attached to the bottom of doors. He just hits them over and over while they make their "boing" noise. We removed most of them, but for some reason he always finds the ones we haven't taken off! He also likes to pull himself up on the couch, chairs or coffee table and walk around them while holding on. My prediction is that he will be walking by his birthday.
Carter has also found amusement in many random things like zippers and the "shwsh" noise that I made once while pretending to slice an imaginary sword through the air. He finds the two pretty hysterical and laughs so hard when hearing them. Last week I also bought some bubbles from Target and both Carter and the dogs LOVE them. Carter waves his arms in the air frantically at them while the dogs jump up and eat them. I think next time I go shopping I need to pick up a bigger bottle of bubbles and a bigger wand. Such a cheap fun thing!
As far as work goes... I just crossed the 6 month mark in my new position! All of my team members still consider me the "new boss". I have definitely have had some challenges in the past few weeks, but it has only made me a stronger manager. I only hope that the next 6 months go as well as the first.
Ryan's work is about the same. Busy with budgets, meetings, conference calls and the usual. His boss and boss's boss recognize Ryan's great work and have recommended him for a double promotion to HR. Unfortunately at this time, his company (like many companies) is not giving out too many promotions. So we will have to wait a little while to see where it takes him. It's still good to know and hear that the work he does is appreciated. His neck is pretty much completely healed. He has an achy day here or there, but nothing that causes severe pain.
We are still trying to plan a summer vacation. We were talking about a road trip to see Ryan's Dad or maybe a camping trip (I wouldn't mind heading up to Yellow Stone). Considering we didn't travel last, I think a summer vacation is well deserved! But, I guess we'll see what happens.
I'll try to blog again after Carter's surgery to keep everyone up to date! Until then...here is a quote I found and love. I put it in a book I made Ryan for Christmas about Carter's life thus far.
"A boy is a magical creature you can lock him out of your workshop, but you can't lock him out of your heart. You can get him out of your study, but you can't get him out of your mind. Might as well give up he is your captor, your jailer, your boss and your master a freckled-faced, pint-sized, cat-chasing bundle of noise. But when you come home at night with only the shattered pieces of your hopes and dreams, he can mend them like new with two magic words Hi, Dad!"
-Alan Marshall Beck

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