Thursday, April 9, 2009

Party in my crib at 3 a.m.

I think the title says it all.  Sarah bought us a bib when we were in Maui for the wedding that says "Party at my crib, 3AM Maui, Hawaii" because she had a feeling we'd be getting pregnant while down there.  Well, it didn't happen in Hawaii but sure did shortly after we got back.  I'd like to thank Sarah for this bib because Carter does his best to get a party going every day at 3 a.m..  Through the day he's really happy, hungry, or sleepy.  At night he's also pretty content.  But when we wake him up at 3 a.m. to eat it's on!  He'll wake up and eat and then refuses to go back to sleep.  He flails his arms and legs and tests out the vocal chords.  I think it's his way of singing and dancing.  Get a couple of drinks in this kid and he's a regular party animal.  We'd enjoy this during the day, but half asleep in the middle of the night it's not so cool.  So again Sarah, thanks for jinxing us with the 3 a.m. party bib :).  We'll be sure to get you something for your little one on the way that has a similar unpleasant quote that is funny to everyone except the parents.  Obviously I'm just kidding, it's just funny how the bib even got the exact time right.  We think we have found a solution though, at least a temporary one...a binky.  We didn't want to us a binky to start a bad habit that may be hard to shake, but it works wonders to calm him down during the fussy times.  It's got him through two rough patches in the middle of the night and through a horrible bath (he hates being naked so naked with a wet towel is the most horrible experience he's been through).  After a few minutes of sucking he calms down and spits it out.  So a binky is now our friend, yay!

1 comment:

  1. How funny. :) With Jack we were really not wanting to do the binky thing too and held out on it so strongly that when we finally got the point we wanted him to take it (for a break)... he wouldn't! We gave Brayden his early and it was such a help... calmed him down when we needed it, and he kicked the habit real easy on his own around 4 months. :)
