So I had to share with someone! It's a little graphic...sorry!
So this evening was very eventful at our house. I went to change Carter's diaper. I took it off and was letting him "air dry" for a min (Basically he was walking around naked). While he was drying he wanted to throw the diaper in the trash. So I walk over and open the trash for him to throw it away. I walk away back into the living room, thinking he was following me. I turn around and he is squatting next to the trash peeing and grunting. I run over to stop him, yeah right, he stands up to run away and a piece of poop falls out of his butt. His foot steps in the pee puddle and he slips and smacks his head into the ground. I MUST be a horrible Mom. As if all that wasn't bad enough I pick him up and carry him to the sink so I can wipe him off, turn around and Aston, the dog, is eating the poop! LOL! I didn't know what to do or think. All I could do was laugh. Oh gee...the things a Mom goes through. :)
OH yeah!!! Little ones do the darnest things!! LOL And puppies (dogs) just add to the fun! LOL