Sunday, January 2, 2011

First week back at work

Well last week was my first week back to work. Thank goodness it was a short and slow one! I felt so disoriented the first day. It was nothing like going back to work from being on maternity leave with Carter. Last time I went back to a new store, new people and a new position. This time it was relieving knowing I was going back to the same old thing. Still it felt so weird helping customers and being there. After the first couple days things started feeling normal again, especially with the help of one of my employees. We'll call that person "the trouble maker". Already I am having to "manage" (babysit) some of my team members. Lovely.

Carter and Avery went to daycare 2 days and Ryan was home with them the other two. Things went very very good. I am so glad Ryan was able to spend 2 days with them and really get a feel for what things are like at home with 2 kiddos. Sometimes it's not so easy and if you don't experience it it can be easy to not understand.

Next week is the first real week for us in a LONG time. Both Ryan and I will be at work full time all week and both boys will be at daycare all week full time. I am so happy to everyone back into a routine! I never knew how important routines were until we had Carter and I tell you what, without them we would die over here! Carter is so much easy and pleasant to be around when he is on a routine.

So that's basically what we've been up to lately. Avery is getting really big. He smiles all the time and is learning to laugh! Carter is doing great too. He loves Ab (Avery) so much and hugs and kisses him all the time.

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