Last Friday we had Carter's post-op appointment. They looked at the tubes in his ears and said that they looked great. The placement was good and the healing was good. On average they will fall out on their own in about a year. Until then we will go back every 6 months to have them checked out. They also performed a hearing test, they put him in a sound proof room that has speakers in the corners which different noises at different volumes come out. Depending on how he reacts determines how well his hearing is. He responded very well to the different sounds and his ear drums responded well to vibrations. His hearing is now in the normal range for his age, which is great news! Now fingers crossed that he doesn't get anymore ear infections. Though, with the tubes in place an ear infection would be much easier to treat. We have special ear drops that can be put in his ears and will drain directly into the ear drum area to cure the infection rather than taking oral antibiotics, which can take a big toll on the digestive system.
Right after the appointment we made our way to Texas......and about 9 1/2 hours later we arrived! It was a very long drive there and back, but Carter did surprisingly well. He now officially hates his car seat though. We made a few stops along the way to get gas, food and stretch our legs. Our mission was to visit family (on my Dad's side), my Great Grandpa, his wife and a bunch of cousins. It was really great to see everyone, I believe the last time that we saw some of this family had to be a good 10 plus years ago.
I am very grateful that my Grandpa was able to meet Carter. Everyday we went to his house to visit and he would light up when he saw Carter. He can only speak a few words because of the strokes he has had in the past few years, but you could tell exactly what he was thinking and feeling when Carter was around. Carter laughed and played with him, ate Cheerios from his hand and "
uched" (touched) his nose. I don't think many people can say they have meet their Great Great Grandpa and even though Carter won't remember it I know I will and we have many pictures to cherish. Saying goodbye was really hard, knowing that it may be the last time we see him made it very emotional. I hope that it won't be the last, but no one knows what tomorrow holds. El
Paso is such a dirty old little place :) I can't say I miss it much but I definitely miss the people we left behind.