We welcomed Avery Jackson into the world on Sept. 26th. He decided that October just was not the month for him and to make his debut 1 week and 3 days early. We were all at home watching the Broncos game when I thought I felt my water leak or maybe I peed my pants! (Who knows when you're pregnant! Those kinds of things can happen!) I told Ryan about it and didn't think too much of it, until it happened again. Ryan said if it happened again maybe we should call the doctor. Of course right after that it happened again. So I started getting my bag ready and packing up a bag for Carter while Ryan called the doctor. Sure enough they sent us to Labor and Delivery at the hospital to get checked out. On the way to the hospital we dropped Carter and the dogs off with my Brother and Sister-In-Law. Once we got to the hospital they examined things and sure enough my water was leaking. I was not having consistent contractions which is not good once your water breaks. (They like for you to deliver the baby within 24 hours of your water breaking otherwise it can possibly lead to infection) The doctor ordered an ultrasound to ensure the baby was head down (even though the day before we had a ultrasound at our doctor appt and he was), once they determined that he was head down they decided to induce me with Pitocin to get the contractions going consistently. All of this happened around 6:00 p.m. I told the doctor that I would like to go without any medication for as long as possible, but the contractions started getting hard really fast.
Around 9:00 p.m. I asked for the epidural, I was about 4 cm dilated so I had a long way to go. The Anesthesiologist was available right away and came in to start the epidural. The first time he inserted it it hit a vein and caused the whole right side of my body to be very tingly. He said it would be less effective unless he re-did it! So he did it all over and things worked much better. About 9:30 p.m. I started feeling much better, only really feeling pressure not pain. Then around 10:00 I felt a lot of pressure and things just didn't feel right so I called the nurse. She examined things and sure enough I was at 9 cm and almost ready to push. She called the doctor and about 10:20 the doctor determined I was fully dilated and ready to have the baby. It took about 3 sets of pushes and Avery was born. In the process of Avery coming down the birth canal he got stuck for a moment. His arm was in front of his face and bruised it pretty badly. His eyes were purple and blue along with the bridge of his nose, his upper lip and his cheek bones.
We were discharged from the hospital on Tuesday the 28th. With all the bruising the doctors were very concerned with his Bilirubin levels (Jaundice). When bruises heal the blood cells are absorbed back into the body, in babies this can be difficult for their new little livers and kidneys to process and can cause very high levels of jaundice. In order to treat this the doctor ordered a UV bed for Avery to spend time in. We had the bed for 1 day and Avery's levels immediately started improving. He had his 2 week check up this past week and they tested his jaundice levels again and they were significantly lower than the first week of his life (6.9 compared to 16.6). He now weighs 8lbs. 15 oz. and is 22" tall which is also fantastic! I really can't believe that it has been almost 3 weeks since his arrival. I am enjoying my time off with him and Carter. I love that my time off is during the holidays...wish I never had to go back to work, but for now I will enjoy the time with my boys.
Carter is doing amazingly well with Avery. He still doesn't quite understand why Mommy spends so much time with the baby or how to be very gentle some times, but we are working on that. Carter loves giving him kisses and rubbing his head. Every morning he has to see the baby and give him kisses. He also tells the baby bye when he goes to daycare and "night night" when going to bed. They are going to be best friends, I just know it. :)